Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Maricopa County - Weighted Overlays

Using the Model-builder and weighted overlay to create or identify the optimal location for this couple's house was a first for me. I had much fun; but entering the weight under % Influence was tricky - trials & errors.

Maricopa County with Location Parameters

This map shows the couple's priorities - distance to chandler Regional Hospital, distance to Phoenix College, neighborhood with 40-49 age group, and high median value houses. Getting all those maps on one layout was time consuming

Monday, June 15, 2009

Economic Impact Assessment

This map is the result of an economic impact assessment, specifically a location quotient (LQ) analysis, for areas of the industry sectors within the Peltrum region, Pewter City. The analysis distinguishes the basic & non-basic industry sectors in each of the nineteen (19) local government authorities comprising the Peltrum region.

University Students Residing in Pewter City

This map is the result of a social impact assessment of university students residing in Pewter City. The data are derived from a spatial collection measurement unit known as a Block, and the results from the survey that was based on the block unit.

3D Aerial View of Proposed Building

This 3D map is the result of a visual impact assessment of a proposed building on university campus, Pewter City.